Hi, my name is possum and this is my home page. I am a single father
of 3 little terrors :o) who keep me on my toes when I have them. I am
also a full time university student in the final year of my Bachelors
Degree in Information Technology.

This is what a bit of polish can do. lol

I enjoy meeting new people and believe
that genuine friends, and my kids are what
makes life worth living.

And here are my little darlings,
or devils, depends on the
hour of the day. lol

Here is Josh. All dressed up like a big man...:o)

My hobbies include:

Music is also one of my hobbies, although uni studies have put that on hold for now. This picture was taken when I played bass guitar in a rock band in brisbane. That was ahhh just a few years ago....:o) 




Here I am on holiday at
the pet porpoise pool
in Coffs Harbour.

And dont you just
love my tan..:o)


More holiday pics

Here are some of the latest pics of us all.

Email me here

Possum's email

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To be continued......:o)